A relaxing corner-shop in the mist of the ever-busy internet

February 19, 2011

Tenchou's review- Infinite Stratos IS 6-7

Iron law #2* See below*
 Alright, so I've been slacking yet again because of the release of Ep5 for Vindictus. The good news is, I'm close to a new armor set, the bad news is, I still have another one to go. However, that set is going to have to wait since it's miles away with my current level, so I can take that slow and steady. Anyways, enough chit-chat let's get on with a double feature!
Iron law#3 *See below*

The Iron law of Anime #2: Regardless of how perfect or righteous a protagonist is, he will always find a way to accidentally step into a shower with one or more naked girls.

The Iron law of Anime #3: When a half-undressed girl falls, a protagonist must always trip to either 1)Grope her, 2)Unhook her bra, 3)Take off her panties or 4)Any combination of the aforementioned, including all of the above.

These two episodes were pretty focus on the relationship between Charles, Ichika and Laura, so I guess in hindsight it was a good choice to delay it a week, even though it was for a different reason. (lol)

So, the worst-kept secrets of all time finally came to light in episode 6, in the best way possible for us fans, and the dumbest way possible for the story. I really have a beef with Ichika, but I'm afraid he might peek if I ever meet him face-to-face. For a perfect straight protagonist this guy really likes...guys. I used to a bit of a jock myself (can you believe it? WTF HAPPENED MAN?), and we joke around the locker room and stuff but we don't constantly seek to touch the other guys in the locker room. If a guy is uncomfortable about the whole thing, we tease his ass but we will somewhat respect his privacy. I mean...we will towel whip his candy-ass and what not, but we won't attempt to go into the shower of someone who is purposely avoiding the scene. That is what Ichika did, that is how the secret was unfold, and if I didn't know any better I would conclude 100% that Ichika is a queer. Seriously though, he's so damn clingy to Charles it was a little creepy to watch, and that whole scene with him just going to the showers is just...man, no wonder he doesn't realize the other girls' feelings. It would be hilarious to find out later on that Ichika rejects all of them on the basis that he's actually gay.

What was done really well was the realization scene, the whole 'screaming' reaction is overdone and a little unrealistic in this day and age. I found Ichika and Charles' reactions much more realistic, and funny. I mean, if you expected your roommate to be a guy, you then stepped in and found a super moe girl, the first reaction would likely be the loss of rational reasoning, and you likely would not be able to grasp the situation until you have left the scene, which is what Ichika did. For Charles, being embarrass is one thing, but she would likely be too shocked to even scream, and would have to follow the lead of someone, and that's what she did. I found the little scene so much funnier and close to home than all the 'omg i'm naked, scream' scenes.

Onto episode 7 since the rest of 6 I really have nothing to say.

The fight scene from the start was pretty sweet for 7; Laura is way overpowered and whooped Cecilia and Rin's asses. I'm still not a big fan of the 3D renders but whatever, the scenes were decently put together so I can't complain too much. Ichika busting out from the stands was pretty GAR, but from that point on the fighting had pretty much died down since Charles doesn't seem to do a whole lot but shoot her little pellet gun at Laura.

Aside from the changing scene from the screencap above, there was no much to the episode. It was entertaining, and a bit sweet to see Charles going all deredere with Ichika, but that was to be expected. Seriously though it's more and more obvious than Ichika has the 'axe effect': I find Charles' reason to fall in love with Ichika very very shallow, I mean, that's more like a reason for someone to become friends, not fall in love. I guess that's the privilege to being a main character in a harem, hot girls just fall for you for little or no reason at all. (-_-)

Next two episodes should be pretty fun to watch since Houki and Laura are on the same team, but it remains to be seen what Houki is up to since she saw herself in Laura. I hope the little turnaround for Laura isn't as lame as the others, but honestly with this show I can't expect that much more.

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