A wise forum poster once said to me: "Don't argue with these idiots, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." After going through countless fruitless internet arguments I have learn this as the truth of the internet. Sometimes I would indulge in posting a few flame post on exceptionally stupid threads/posts, something I called the "stupidity bash" to pass time, but most of the time I would let these posts go as trying to correct these internet heroes is harder than trying to figure out the meaning of life (and it is not 42). Honestly though, stumbling upon this kind of stupidity day after day has left me thinking: most of these kids will be old enough to handle my pension funds by the time I retired, that means my entire life savings will likely be in the hands of these idiots, am I screwed or what?
Let me demonstrate some examples of said stupidity:
This was posted a Vindictus forums:
Except I wasn't using North America in the geographic, but in the political sense. As I have already stated, even offshore territories of the U.S., like the Florida keys, which are geographically located in North America, are i.p. blocked. Those aren't even labeled as being in the states, but U.S. offshore territories.Plaything:
The correct term would be North America, not U.S. and Canada. As even U.S. territories off the mainland cannot play due to i.p. issues.
Except North America is a continent that also includes Mexico, and Mexico can't play this version.
Mexico is Central America.
Like Hawaii is a state, but it's not classified as being in North America either.
Last I checked, Mexico is part of NA (what the hell is politically NA)? Also, when proven wrong, this mechowned1, had the guts to rebuttal with "good job you could look things up". Common sense, anyone?
In the same thread:
"Central America is a subclassification of North America that includes everything below the United States until you reach South America. Its like the states are a sub-part of the United States. Dumbasses. "-Asplar
I have no idea what to say after reading the above comment.
Everyday I see kids dressed like thugs with their pants on the ground, talk like they are from the hood (sorry bud, but the closest thing to a "hood" in our city are families with average income of $50k+, so no, you experienced no hardship in your life, don't act like you came out of some hood.) The quality of our youth is tanking and couple with the crap I read on the internet, I can't help but fear for the future of our society.
If you early 20ish- my age, I have one piece of advice for you: Do not leave your investment, your life savings in any sort of mutual funds, anything that will involve the management of the next generation. Put in all in bonds, under your bed, donate it- at least SOMEONE will thank you for it.
You will thank me for this advice 50 or so years down the road, trust me.
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