I have slacked off LONG enough, I think it’s time for another Tenchou’s update!
First, I would just like to comment on how successful the Internet Blackout Day was. The interweb as a whole has successfully brought the much-needed attention to this, for a lack of better words, retarded legislation from a bunch of white-collar 1% lobbyists. Now that SOPA has been shelved indefinitely, we can finally breathe easy as we avoided the latest round of shenanigans. That said, MEGAUPLOAD and all it’s affiliates were shutdown just one day after, likely a retaliation to the anti-SOPA movement, so unfortunately we are now down a valuable download source.
Now onto this post’s agenda:
2. Star Wars: The Old Republic
3. Upcoming Releases
4. Anime
5. Others
Tenchou and his friends visited NYC shortly after Christmas (lol late update), and for Tenchou it was his first time in nearly ten years. As expected, the streets were busy and the stores packed. After holidays sale is no joke in the States, as everything were half price and then some.
Unfortunately my plans to spend the bare minimum in NYC was destroyed by these sales, but on the bright side I did get some really nice shirts for a price I never thought possible. Aside from shopping, we also visited a few places that I've never been, like the Museum of Modern Arts, Strawberry Field, and even Rucker Park. Barring a few minor annoyances the trip was enjoyable and much needed.
Next comes the update to SW: TOR, which I promised last post but never got around to doing so. After rerolling a Jedi Shadow and reaching Lv50, I began the frustrating experience of pugging Warzones as a Republic player on Anchorhead. It is generally expected that the level of skill is lower for pugs, but some of the games I’ve witness is downright embarrassing. As much as I would like to do everything by myself, TOR’s warzones requires teamwork, and lack thereof leads to defeats. I admit I have also made some stupid mistakes along the way, having played melee DPS for endgame PvP for the first time in ages I often get tunnel-vision but still I find most players faring worse than me.
After PvPing for awhile on my Shadow I decided to re-roll yet again into a Sentinel, which at the time of this post is currently 29. Although the burst damage is not on-par with the Shadow, I find that Sents are generally better at surviving with their abundance of defensive CDs, not to mention a “cheat death” ability on a 90 second CD. As I get more and more used to melee I find myself having more fun as a Sentinel than a Shadow. While it is true I can 100-> 0 an opponent in a short time as a Shadow, I find with only 2 realistic def CD I often get 100 -> 0 when I’m caught with my pants down. As a Sentinel this rarely happens, and with all the QQ on the forums most PvPers (bad ones) seems to think Sentinels are low-priority targets, leaving me free to DPS, racking up kills much easier than my Shadow. Often I finish high up on the kill and dps charts despite being rather low level.
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A Wild NERF appear! |
However, all that just isn't enough to make me re-sub. Certainly, the confirmed CBT andrelease date of TERA played a large part of my decision, but the problems that kept piling on the game just make it less than fun. First, it is clear to me and many players BioWare has no idea what they are doing, or if they do, they have no idea why they are wrong. Let me give you an example:
One of the problems with their crafting system is the usefulness of BioChem items compared to the rest of the crafts. No matter what kind of weapon or armor you can craft, you will ultimately use PvP or end-game instance armors and weapons because they are better. That is not true for BioChem items, the re-useable pots and buffs are simply too good to pass up, and since they can only be use by BioChems, it became the choice for your main character's profession. In their first attempt to "nerf" BioChem, they did manage to nerf some of the high-end re-usable buffs and pots, but decided that the slightly lower end re-usable would now be BioChem useable only. They failed to comprehend why the profession is overpowered and took the wrong steps. Their later patches reversed that decision only showed that they have no idea what they are doing, and reacting based on shallow community input. I can name several other examples but I don't feel like typing for the rest of the night. Long story short I quit SWTOR for TERA.
Aside from the exciting world of PC games, there are many upcoming releases that will undoubtedly rape what is left in your pocket. Tenchou would like to take a little of your time for preview some upcoming releases:
1) BlazBlue CSEX- The next edition of BB is here, must get for ALL fighter fans, no questions asked. Aside from the awesome roster of carefully drawn characters, the fighting system is top notch. The constant tweaking of balance also shows how dedicated the developers are to this game.
2) Tales of Grace F- First Tales game to hit PS3 stateside, finally. What is a Tales game you ask? Only one of the best JRPG series, ever. the "f" version is a definitive version with majority of the costumes and specials already in-game. So you will definitely get you bang for the buck with this 2012 RPG of the year. (GTFO FF13-2 and ME3)
3) Mass Effect 3- I have actually opted to wait for steam sales before I will get this game, unfortunately I have no time and somewhat lost interest to the great commander Sheppard's adventure. That said, if his adventure goes on sale during steam's summer/winter sale, I will likely cave.
4) Ninja Gaiden 3- A gem for action gamers. The fast-paced combat and brutal combos will leave you mouth thirsty for ninja blood. Also, if you pre-order through Amazon you get DoA5's demo, win/win.
5) Hyperdimension Neptunia mk II- The wacky game that made video game console into moe characters has returned with another instalment! if you recall, I did purchase the LE of the first game, and will be buying it again. If you are into moe-anime-lolz-rpgs like Disgaea (not the tactic part), then you should look into this one.
6) Warrior Orochi 3- Another hack-and-slash instalment of the beloved double franchise. With a gigantic roster and better graphics, what's not to love?
Yes I bought FF13-2 Limited Edition, but since the damn thing is everywhere I won't even bother taking pictures. And no, I have not played the game passed the one hour mark, been too busy with Fate/Extra + TERA.
Skipping onto the next topic, the new season of anime is in full swing (One month in!). So far I would have to say is relatively tame, none are eye-openers which takes me by surprise, like Steins;Gate before and Ben-To last season. Again, I will reserve judgment of this season until mid-way through. That is not to say there are no good ones to watch; High School DxD despite all its unnecessary fanservice, is actually a decent comedy, same with "Listen to Papa!".
In case anyone is wondering, REAPER’S FAREWELL is still in the process of querying, more updates when I hear back.
Stay classy, readers.
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